Tag Archives: The Fisherman

The Fisherman By John Langan: Story breakdown

Part 2: Der Fischer: A Tale of Terror

Key Events by Chapter:

Chapter I:

  • Howard learns about the mysterious Deutschman’s Creek from Reverend Mapple.
  • Reverend Mapple’s investigation reveals the creek’s original name and a cryptic warning about it.
  • Reverend Mapple speaks to elderly locals but finds little information until he meets Lottie Schmidt.
  • Lottie reveals that her father knew about the creek’s dark history.

Chapter II:

  • The story shifts to pre-immigration Germany and the Esopus river valley before it became a reservoir.
  • Introduction of Cornelius Dort and his estate.
  • Arrival of the mysterious Guest at Cornelius’s home.
  • The Guest’s peculiar habits and hints of supernatural elements.

Chapter III:

  • Strange events and rumors surround the Dort estate and the Guest.
  • Local suspicions and unease grow due to strange weather and eerie occurrences.
  • The Guest’s influence over Cornelius and his mysterious experiments.

Chapter IV:

  • Cornelius’s opposition to the construction of the Reservoir.
  • Cornelius’s death and the subsequent return of the Guest.
  • The Guest inherits Cornelius’s estate and continues his mysterious activities.
  • Increased rumors and sightings of strange figures around the Dort estate.

Chapter V:

  • The Schmidt family’s move to the work camp for the Reservoir construction.
  • Rainer Schmidt’s background and the family’s adjustment to their new life.
  • Cornelius’s death and the effect on local resistance to the Reservoir project.
  • The reappearance of the Guest and his public activities around the spring and Esopus river.

Chapter VI:

  • The Schmidt family adjusts to life at the camp.
  • Rainer integrates well with his Italian coworkers.
  • Clara and Lottie work at the camp bakery; Gretchen and Christina attend the camp school.
  • The Hungarian neighbor is trampled to death, speculated to be a suicide driven by marital issues.
  • The Catholic church buries her outside the cemetery proper due to the suicide.
  • George, the deceased neighbor’s husband, spirals into grief and begins acting erratically.

Chapter VII:

  • George disappears, leaving his children with the Schmidts.
  • George returns in the early morning, acting strangely and insisting on taking his children to show them a “miracle.”
  • The Schmidts witness George’s deteriorated mental state and hear his hysterical laughter.
  • That night, George brings his children home and the children scream in terror upon seeing their resurrected mother, Helen.
  • Helen’s return from the dead causes immense fear and confusion among the neighbors.
  • George babbles about a man in the big house who understands loss and offers help in exchange for strength.

Chapter VIII:

  • Clara discovers the identity of the man in the big house as the mysterious Guest.
  • Helen visits Italo’s house demanding her children back, but Regina bravely confronts her.
  • Helen’s voice is eerie, and she displays strange, animal-like qualities.
  • Regina and the children fend off Helen’s attempts to enter the house.
  • Italo and Rainer discuss the situation and agree that Helen is no longer human and must be dealt with.

Chapter IX:

  • George dies in a fit, vomiting a torrent of brackish water filled with strange, black tadpole-like creatures.
  • The camp’s residents are terrified by the bizarre events, and Rainer reluctantly informs the police.
  • Undertaker’s assistant Miller Jeffries meets Helen and subsequently goes mad, committing multiple murders before killing himself.
  • The shocking events underline the urgency of dealing with Helen.
  • Helen’s second attempt to retrieve her children results in Italo and Regina defending their home.
  • The situation escalates, and Rainer continues researching ways to deal with the supernatural threat.

Chapter X:

  • Rainer informs the police about George’s death, attributing it to a fit.
  • Helen meets Miller Jeffries, leading to his insanity and a subsequent killing spree.
  • Helen’s continued mischief creates further urgency for Rainer and Italo.
  • Helen attempts to enter Italo’s house through a loose board but is repelled by Italo and Regina.
  • Italo and Regina manage to protect the children once more.
  • Rainer continues his research into the dark arts, realizing the depth of the supernatural threat they face.
  • Gretchen informs Rainer that Lottie had an encounter with Helen and is now in a deep sleep, unable to wake up.

Chapter XI:

  • Summary:
    • Lottie, struggling with her work at the bakery due to recent strange events, encounters Helen in a dark storage closet. Helen speaks in a mysterious, phlegmy language, causing Lottie to experience a terrifying vision of a black ocean filled with floating heads and a massive, monstrous mouth. Lottie manages to break the spell by throwing a bag of slivered almonds at Helen, and her co-workers rescue her. Clara takes Lottie home, where she continues to cry and eventually falls into an uneasy sleep.

Chapter XII:

  • Summary:
    • Rainer rushes home, fearing that his recent experiments caused Lottie’s condition. Upon seeing her, he realizes she has been “poisoned” or “enchanted” by Helen. Rainer explains to Clara that Lottie’s soul is sick, and he must find a way to cure her. Despite Clara’s frustration, Rainer insists he needs to proceed carefully, using his arcane knowledge to understand and break the spell.

Chapter XIII:

  • Summary:
    • Rainer, realizing the complexity and danger of the situation, spends the night consulting his arcane books. He reads through the night, absorbing the black light from the pages, while Clara stays with the Oliveris. Lottie, in a dream state, struggles with the realization of her own dark impulses. Clara, filled with a mix of regret and determination, stays up the entire night smoking and reflecting on the past.

Chapter XIV:

  • Summary:
    • The next morning, Rainer, his eyes reflecting an otherworldly light, begins inscribing symbols on the walls of the house where Helen and George lived, trapping Helen within. Clara, uneasy but hopeful, questions Rainer about his actions. He explains that he has trapped Helen and will weaken her before interrogating her about the man in the big house, whom Rainer suspects is the true source of the troubles.

Chapter XV:

  • Summary:
    • Later that day, Rainer returns home with a group of men, including Italo and Jacob Schmidt. Clara is uneasy about Rainer’s plan but sends their daughters to school. Rainer proceeds with the group to confront Helen and later the man in the big house. The events of this afternoon and evening will profoundly impact Lottie, who will later learn the details from Jacob, eventually accepting his proposal and ensuring her family’s safety and future.

Chapter XI

Lottie, working at the camp bakery, encounters Helen while on an errand. Helen, now a malevolent spirit, confronts Lottie in a storage closet, plunging her into a terrifying vision of a vast, black ocean filled with submerged heads speaking horrifying monologues. Lottie throws a bag of almonds at Helen, breaking the vision and alerting her coworkers, who rescue her from the closet. Clara takes Lottie home, where she cries herself to sleep.

Chapter XII

Rainer, convinced Helen’s attack is linked to his experiments, rushes home. He finds Lottie unwell and insists on seeing her despite Clara’s objections. He realizes Helen has poisoned Lottie’s soul and vows to find a cure, though he acknowledges the complexity of the situation. Clara urges him to act quickly, and Rainer begins searching for a solution in his books.

Chapter XIII

Rainer spends the night studying his books, seeking a way to help Lottie. Clara stays with their neighbors, Italo and Regina, worried about Rainer and Lottie’s fate. Lottie, in her dreams, confronts a mirror reflecting her darkest thoughts, revealing a deeper torment than she previously realized.

Chapter XIV

Rainer, looking haggard but determined, returns from work with a plan. He marks the Dort house with symbols and traps Helen, intending to weaken her. Clara is skeptical but hopeful that Rainer’s efforts will save Lottie. They prepare to confront the true source of the supernatural disturbances.

Chapter XV

Rainer, Italo, Jacob, and Andrea, armed with marked axes, enter Helen’s former home. Inside, they find Helen, who reveals her master, the Fisherman, and speaks cryptic words about his intentions. Rainer demands answers, and Helen ultimately dissolves into water. Rainer and the men decide to confront the Fisherman, advising the camp residents to stay indoors. The next morning, Helen’s house is burned down by the fire brigade, marking the end of her immediate threat.

Chapter XVI

Rainer and his group march to Helen’s house with axes marked by symbols. They enter the mold-filled house, where Helen confronts them, revealing her master as the Fisherman. Rainer demands answers, and Helen ultimately dissolves into water. They decide to confront the Fisherman, advising the camp residents to stay indoors. Helen’s house is burned down the next morning.

Chapter XVII

The men return home exhausted and covered in strange mud and leaves. They reassure their families that the danger has passed, but Andrea loses his job and leaves the camp. Angelo is said to have run off, though this is widely disbelieved. The camp tries to return to normal, though the events have left a lasting impact.

Chapter XVIII

Rainer, Italo, Jacob, Angelo, and Andrea set off to confront the Fisherman. Along the way, they traverse a landscape devastated by the dam project and encounter strange, white, floating creatures. Rainer reveals the Fisherman’s background and his quest for power. The men reach the Dort house, surrounded by walls of dark water, and prepare for the final confrontation.

Chapter XIX

The group reaches the Dort house, surrounded by dark water and strange creatures. Rainer uses his marked axe to break through the door, leading them into the house. Inside, they find themselves in a tunnel-like space, prepared for a final confrontation with the Fisherman. The chapter ends with the group entering the house, ready to face whatever awaits them.

Chapter XX

The men enter the house but find themselves in a forest of evergreens, with a roaring stream running parallel to their path. Rainer warns them about the Fisherman’s power. Andrea panics and runs downhill, followed by the others. Jacob, Italo, and Angelo struggle to keep their balance on the steep slope. Jacob notices the dark water and the pale creatures, realizing they are in a strange, otherworldly place. Rainer reassures Andrea, but he bolts. The men follow him, finding themselves at a rocky shore with a dark ocean and a massive, scaly creature. The Fisherman, armed with a knife, confronts them.

Chapter XXI

Jacob and the others reach the beach, where they see the Fisherman preparing to fish for the Leviathan. The men attempt to cut the ropes securing the creature, but the ropes resist their efforts. The Fisherman uses his power to control water, attacking Angelo and transforming him into a watery being. Rainer battles the Fisherman, eventually defeating him and causing him to be dragged into the ocean. The Fisherman curses them as he is taken by the dark waves.

Chapter XXII

Rainer, Italo, Jacob, and Andrea continue to cut the ropes, using Angelo’s blood to empower their axes. Rainer emphasizes the importance of their task and the power of innocent blood. The men work together to sever the remaining ropes, ensuring the Leviathan’s release and preventing the Fisherman’s return. Jacob struggles with guilt over Angelo’s death but focuses on the task at hand.

Chapter XXIII

Rainer retrieves the Fisherman’s knife and instructs the men to dip their axes in Angelo’s blood. The blood of the innocent has power, aiding them in their mission. Jacob, Italo, and Andrea work together to cut the remaining ropes, ensuring the Fisherman’s defeat and the Leviathan’s release. Jacob grapples with his guilt but is determined to finish the job.

Chapter XXIV

Jacob and the others cut the remaining ropes, unleashing powerful forces that throw them around. Rainer reassures them that their actions have disrupted the Fisherman’s plans. They leave the area, with Jacob carrying the guilt of Angelo’s death.

Chapter XXV

Jacob, Rainer, Italo, and Andrea return to their camp, reflecting on their victory and the cost. They agree that their actions have hopefully ended the threat to their families. Rainer explains the complexities of completely undoing the Fisherman’s work but believes they have done enough to protect their loved ones.

Chapter XXVI

The group leaves the strange landscape behind, emerging back into the real world. The walls of water they had seen are gone, and the area seems normal again. Italo questions the certainty of their success, but Rainer emphasizes the importance of continuing with their lives and being vigilant.

Chapter XXVII

Months later, the area around the Dort house is cleared, and the house itself is found to be in ruins. The Sheriff and his men discover strange, webbed hands among the wreckage and burn the house down, destroying any remaining evidence of the Fisherman’s presence. The valley is transformed as part of the Reservoir project.

Chapter XXVIII

The work crews clearing the valley find a strange, blue-white stone entangled in the roots of a tree. The stone disappears overnight, causing rumors and suspicions among the workers. The company investigating the Reservoir project dismisses the incident, attributing it to natural causes or theft.

Chapter XXIX

Life continues for Jacob, Lottie, and their families. Italo struggles with the burden of caring for Helen and George’s children after Regina’s death but is eventually supported by Maria, who steps up to manage the household. Jacob deals with the guilt of Angelo’s death but finds solace in his family and work.

Chapter XXX

Years pass, and the Reservoir project nears completion. Jacob and Lottie marry and start a family, while Rainer continues working for the Water Authority. As the camp empties, Rainer and Clara move to Woodstock, where their family grows. Life returns to a semblance of normalcy, though memories of their past adventure linger.

Chapter XXXI

The locals start referring to the new stream as Dutchman’s Creek. Rainer grows concerned about the strange occurrences near the stream and sets off with Jacob to investigate. They encounter eerie phenomena, including voices and figures from their past, but manage to mark a tree with a protective symbol.

Chapter XXXII

Rainer and Jacob return from the creek, with Rainer explaining that the mark will deter most people from approaching it. He hints at the need for a human sacrifice to completely seal the area but reassures Jacob that their efforts should be sufficient.

Chapter XXXIII

Dutchman’s Creek becomes a fixture on local maps. Lottie holds onto a fishhook as a reminder of their past. She and Jacob live out their lives, raising their family and maintaining a sense of normalcy despite the extraordinary events they experienced. After Jacob’s death, Lottie reflects on their journey and finds peace in their shared history.

Chapter XXXIV

Lottie, now elderly, receives a visit from Reverend Mapple, who reveals new information about the Fisherman and the ancient forces they encountered. This revelation brings Lottie a sense of closure. She continues to live with the memories of her past, finding solace in her family and the ordinary rhythms of life.